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In fitness, the key to success is CONSISTENCY, but it's not always easy to stay committed when you aren't enjoying or connected to what you are doing! I think it’s helpful to take it slow and start by building trust with yourself and this new healthy commitment you are making. And guess what. It CAN be FUN! 

To help you on your journey, I have created a self-guided workbook with 9 HEALTHY HABIT FITNESS GOALS to help you take it step by step. The purpose is to have you focus on ONE goal each week. When you reach your goal, you add on a new one, while still practicing the one you conquered before. Before you know it, you will have a solid foundation that will give you the self confidence and JOY you need to take your fitness path wherever you wish for the rest of your life.

Each week you will have an "Action Plan" to help you CRUSH your goal, along with weekly fitness planners and plenty of note pages. I have also included a variety of FUN fitness challenges you can incorporate into your journey as well as 66 Fitness Tips to help keep you motivated.


If you have completed my 1:1 Fitness Mentorship Program, this is a great refresher course to help keep you on track. If we haven't worked together yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Just kidding. This is actually an excellent way to get your feet wet before joining me on a 1:1 customized or small group journey!


FitFunYOU Goal Crusher Workbook - Digital Download

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